Monday, April 2, 2012


Divorce is something that I have very mixed emotions about. It is because of divorce that both of my wonderful parents were able to escape and recover from the extremely unhealthy and abusive marriages they were in and later meet each other, marry, and have me and my little brother. On the other hand, I feel that divorce is considered too common and easily accessible of an option in today's society. Marriage is supposed to be difficult at times, it is, after all, the Lord's finishing school for His children. Perhaps too many people enter marriage thinking it will be a good way to satisfy their "What's in it for me?" attitude about life. We cannot be successful in our marriages and in our families if we are constantly thinking about how our needs will be met and how we will be fulfilled. H. Wallace Goddard teaches in his amazing book Drawing Heaven Into Your Marriage (incredible book, I recommend it to everyone) that in marriage, we will find the most joy and fulfillment by focusing on filling our spouse's "love cup" as much as possible, and then that love will spill over onto us. 

There are certainly times when a marriage does need to end. In those cases, my heart absolutely goes out to the broken families who are victims to such an unfortunate circumstance. What a blessing it is to know that we have a Savior who's Atonement can heal all wounds, including emotional and spiritual ones, and can heal relationships. What joyous news this is!

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