Friday, February 17, 2012

Planning a Marriage or Planning a Wedding?

In class we have been discussing the difference between planning a wedding, and planning a marriage. Although they sometimes get confused, they are two entirely different things. One lasts about a day, while the other lasts for eternity. It is sometimes concering for me to see how cught up some people (ok, mainly just girls) over the flowers, the dress, the pictures, the romance, the attention, and the excitement of her "special day". What a dangerous thing this can be. I am not married, so I cannot consider myself an expert, but from what I do know marriage will certainly be very difficult if a person expects that marriage is full of bliss and romance one hundred percent of the time. My religion teacher this semester mentioned once in class that sometimes people love the attention they get when they are engaged too much, and then after the wedding when they are suddenly just another married couple and the attention is gone, they may feel saddened or empty.

Assuming that I have the opportunity to marry in this life, I plan to spend a lot more time and energy during my engagement actively planning and preparing with my fiance and the Lord for our marriage, than I spend fussing over the big day.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Why Traditional Dating is Becoming Obsolete: My Theory

Sometimes I wish I had been born a few decades ago. Perhaps in the 1930s or 40s or 50s. Back when girls wore skirts and dresses all the time. Back when a lady would conduct herself as a lady and a gentleman would be as chivalrous as could be. Back when single individuals regularly went on real dates. Bobby would call up Norma Jean on the phone and very politely ask her if she would like to go to the movies and then out for banana splits at the local ice cream parlor.

Every day I feel like this type of behavior is becoming more and more rare. Oh how I wish this wasn't the case. Last semester Sister Elaine S. Dalton taught us in a devotional address that actually dating is the best, most effective way to get to know people of the opposite gender and eventually find our right mate. Why then, are more and more people casually "hanging out"? Listen to my theory, (I am not sure which came first, the chicken or the egg, so let's say it is the boy's fault ;) ): Boys stopped asking girls out on dates as frequently, and actual dating became a rare occurrence. Then, girls started getting excessively excited when they did get asked out, over-analyzing the boy's intent behind asking her out. This reaction from the girls put a confusing pressure and strain on the boys in dating situations, which made them ask girls out less. See the cycle? It is tragic.

If only everyone could just chill out and go on dates like we are supposed too. But, I digress. Anyway, there are far more important things that I spend my time and energy thinking and worrying about. :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Marriage is Between a Man and a Woman

This week my testimony has been strengthened that marriage is ordained of God, and is meant to be between a man and a woman.

Gender is Part of Our Eternal Identity

This week in class we have studied and learned about the significance of gender identity and orientation. The things I have learned have been absolutely fascinating. I thought that I understood a great deal about homosexuality since I have many people in my life who have declared themselves "gay," but I have realized that I understood very little.

I don't know if this link will work or not, but if you can, PLEASE watch this video. It is only 30 minutes, and it will completely change your perception and understanding of homosexuality.

There were two things that were mentioned in this video and then discussed in class that really stood out to me. 1) For every gay couple there is, there are two women who will never marry and have a family. How destructive this is to the Plan!!! 2) Satan tells men who are innately sensitive, loving, and gentle that there is something wrong with them, they are queer, and they do not fit into the glorious Plan of Salvation or family unit. What incredible husbands and fathers these individuals would have made if only they had been accepted and nurtured properly.