Friday, March 23, 2012

My Amazing Parents

This week we learned about parenting. I learned SO much, Brother Williams is an incredible teacher. The things I learned and read about made me appreciate my amazing parents even more. Mike and Cheryl Carson are two of the most amazing people you will ever meet. They love the Lord and they love to serve Him. They are wonderful listeners and advice givers. I would like to take a moment to talk about each of them individually. :)

My Dad

Micheal Ray Carson: incredible musician and even more amazing father. He makes the best waffles and has a great laugh. He is fun to watch movies with and still takes me out on daddy-daughter dates. He is gentle and loving and without guile. 

One of my favorite childhood memories of him happened when I was about four. I was pretending to be the scullery-maid version of Cinderella, so I wanted to scrub our kitchen floor on my hands and knees like she does in the movie. In my four-year-old mind I thought that liquid dishwashing soap would be the best thing to use to get the linoleum especially clean. As I scrubbed, bubbles and foam began to rise inches above the floor, so I scrubbed harder to make them go away. Obviously this only made the suds multiply, until I was literally up to my elbows in them.  I was sure that I was in big trouble. I began to cry as I continued to scrub. I heard my Dad’s footsteps behind me and I was terrified of the punishment I was sure I would receive, not because I thought it the nature of my father to punish, but because I was sure that was what my terrible misdeed called for. I was surprised when my father, laughing under his breath, knelt down to my level and asked so gently and calmly, “Are you Cinderella today?” I nodded as I wiped my tears away. “Here, let me help you clean up these bubbles.”

My Dad is amazing. I love him so much. :)

Those of you who have had the privilege of listening to my Dad's music know just how lucky you are. :)

My Mom

My dear, kind, sweet, beautiful mother: Cheryl Ann Higginson Carson. This lady is a doll. I am so grateful for her. She and I talk for hours on end and I consider her to be my best friend. She is an amazing author and speaker and has a beautiful gospel-oriented perspective on life. Also, she is CONSTANTLY crocheting. And what for? To donate the things she makes to the Humanitarian Center. She is so selfless and caring, I look up to her so much.
Here is a picture of her with some of her creations. Those are doll dresses behind her!!! (My Dad and she had a little photo shoot.)
Here is one up close. Isn't it darling? :)

I love my parents so much. They are truly incredible people. I will forever be grateful to them for all that they are and all that they have done and do for me!

1 comment:

  1. Well, that was very nice. I am grateful for appreciative children, and I didn't even know what I was doing! Dad
