Monday, March 5, 2012

Communication--what does that even mean?

Today in class we began our discussions on communication, and it was SO interesting! It really helped me realize that having healthy, honest, Christlike patterns of communication in any relationship takes practice and work, and you have to keep at it all your life. That doesn't sound like much fun, does it? Well, maybe at times it isn't, but I know that in my own experiences it has been so rewarding. And making these kinds of sacrifices and filling our hearts with charity and understanding for those we communicate with helps us in our journey to become more like our Savior.

Yesterday in church someone said in their testimony that "Prayer is a form of work. We need to put time and effort into our conversations with Heavenly Father." I had never thought of it that way before, but it is so true! I think of how my prayers used to be when I was younger and I compare them to the way I pray now and the difference is astounding. I have come to love my communication with my Father in Heaven. It is something that I diligently put time and effort into, and the blessings I have seen in my life because of it are endless.

Also, I would like to say that I am very excited for Wednesday. That is the day that we are going to talk about counseling with our spouse and the Lord. I took a marriage class from Brother Williams a few semesters ago, so I know that this is an extremely powerful lesson. Can't wait!

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